
I’m a journalist who believes a free press is an essential part of a healthy democracy. I’m an educator who is passionate about reforming our public education system to provide a high-quality education for all children. I believe teachers and reporters play a crucial role in educating the public, and I believe we should all be more honest with each other and with our children (especially those who are already young adults).

I’m also a true believer in the power of the written word, whether in the realm of media or art. See the Politics & Culture page to read my more polished work; check out the Recent Posts to see more timely musings.

Follow me:

Twitter: @liz_deornellas

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liz_deornellas/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edeornellas

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/lizdeornellas

Tumblr: http://blackcatsandredballoons.tumblr.com/

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