One of my favorite English teachers (follow her @redforkhippie) used to motivate kids by telling them that she would drop the F-bomb in front of them, loudly, at graduation. The clear implication being that word doesn’t belong in class. (Unless it’s part of whatever you’re reading / viewing FOR LEGITIMATE EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES – students, please stop with the fight videos. Go home and watch MMA. Don’t be that kid who pulls out their cell phone if a fight happens on campus. Don’t be the kid who obsessively views those videos. Do be the kid who pulls out a cell phone when witnessing police brutality. You have rights. Just be careful, please.) The F-bomb is especially inappropriate when directed in anger at a fellow student or at any other member of your school community. Accidents / frustrations happen. Apologize when they do. Unless you just tripped and hurt yourself – then we all get it.)